I give a lot of scientific talks and workshops on Data Communication, Biomedical Visualization, and at times RNA biology. Rarely also on the history of visualizations in biology!

Scientific talks


FEBS Danube Conference Epigenetics, invited talk, Budapest

HT Human Technopole, Mailand, invited talk

ISMB, Madison Wisconsin, Conference chair BioVis COSI

Else-Kröner Clinician Scientists Programm Retreat, invited talk

European Light Microscopy Initiative, Turku Finnland, invited talk

Sharing Knowledge Talk, University of Tübingen Excellence Programme, invited talk

Lipid Metabolism Summer School, Dresden, invited talk

19th Annual Advanced Imaging Methods, Berkeley, invited talk


FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Society) Webinar “Figures for Scientific Publications”

ISMB BioVis invited high-light talk “Image quality in publications”

FEBS Danube Conference on Epigenetics, invited talk “Data Visualization”

DPG, Young Physiologists Symposium, “Image and Data Visualization”

HAW Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Hamburg, lecture “Data Visualization” for the call Chair in Data Visualization

Hochschule Ingolstadt, lectures “NGS Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2” and “Data Visualization” for the call Chair in Medical Informatics

Hochschule Fulda, lectures “Feedback mechanisms” and “Data Visualization” for the call Chair in Visual Analytics

EKFZ Digital Health Spring School “Medical Data Visualization”


Woodstock of Biology, Tel-Aviv, “My pretty little big data visualized”

Sächsische Landesärztekammer, Physician training in digital medicine/visualization of medical data

Hochschule Coburg, lectures “Microarrays”, “Data Visualization” for the call chair in bioinformatics.

German BioImaging Society, lecture for society seminar series “Image quality in publications” https://youtu.be/NfXSddDOyt8

FH Graubünden, CH, guest lecture at Swiss institute for Information science in the context of the appointment for chair “Data visualization”, list position 2.


Hochschule Beuth Berlin, guest lecture for Prof. Simone Reber “Introduction to DataViz bioinformatics”

Max-Planck-Institut Zellbiologie “Data Visualization – poster design”

BIMSB Berlin, laboratory of Prof. Uwe Ohler “Scientific data visualization”


TU Dresden, “Introduction to scientific data visualization” for PhD students from all disciplines

Faculty of Computer science, Magdeburg, “Visualization of life science data”, invitation by Prof. Holger Theisel

IMG Prague, PhD students conference, “Introduction to visual communication”

Dresden Biopolis PhD student conference “Poster and figure design”.

Dresden DIGS-BB ask the Expert session “Visual communication”.

DGZ conference, Berlin “DataViz for life sciences”.


Predoc course DIPP, “Life science figure design”.

SignGene Winter school, Elat Israel (invited Talk).

DFG FOR233 meeting, Heidelberg.

TedEx talk, Frankfurt, “History of Life Science Images”.

Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin, “RNAs in Space and Time - How Ribonucleic Acid Determines Cell Organization”.

Workshop on “Life Science Figure Design”: Max-Planck Institute Dresden, University of Gothenburg, IMP/IMBA Wien, HU Berlin.

MDC Berlin (Invited by Prof. Rajewski).

BIOTEC, Dresden (Invited by Prof. Stewart).

EMBO RNA Localization and local translation, Crete.

Berlin Summer Meeting, Berlin (invited Talk).

University of Heidelberg (Invited by Prof. Wittbrodt).

University of Regensburg (Invited by Dr. Medenbach).

New York University Langone Medical Center (Invited by Prof. Lehmann).

Whitehead Institute, MIT, Cambridge (Invited by Prof. Orr-Weaver).

EMBL, Heidelberg (Invited by Anne Ephrussi).

Max-Planck Institute in Dresden, Institute seminar.

Max-Planck Institute Tübingen (Invited by Dr. Bono).

European Drosophila Research Conference, Berlin Summer Meeting.

Max Planck Institute fo. Neurobiology (Invited by Dr. Frank Bradke),

University of Cambridge, UK (Invited by Dr. Jordan Raff),

KU Leuven. (Invited by Dr. Bassem Hassan).

DGZ Young Scientist Meeting.

DataViz Workshops

CNC - Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, BEB Doctoral Program course, workshop Visual communication of biomedical data. Graduate School ESGC, Erasmus, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Freiburg, 3-day virtual course. International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, MOSaic initiative, Warszawa, Poland, 4-day virtual course for advanced scientists. TU Dresden, Graduate Academy, PhD, 2 courses Charite Berlin, Quantum Futur Academy, undergraduate students Junge Physiologen, annual meeting, physicians and medical scientsits EKFZ Spring School, undergraduates in medicine and engineering TU Dresden, Graduate Academy, PhD, 2 courses Helmholtz Rossendorf, postdocs Sächsische Ärztekammer, resident physicians BISMB/MDC Ohler lab, scientists Iain Patten, online course MPI Dortmund, PhD students TU Dresden, Graduate Academy, PhD, 2 courses MPI-CBG, postdoc retreat Max Planck Society, scientists and science communicators Hemlhotz MUC/Henry/ lab HU Berlin, IRI graduate School Uni. Regensburg, PhD program TU Dresden, Graduate Academy, PhD, 2 courses MPI-AGE, PhD students Center for regenerative therapies, postdocs Dresnden International Graduate School, PhD students IMG Prague, PhD students MPI-CBG, postdocs IRI, HU Berlin, PhD Helmholtz Müchen, PhD, 4 courses DFG Forschergruppe RNA Localization, training for members Univ. Frankfurt, Dept Biochemie EMBO Young Investigator Program Annual meeting VBCF (IMBA/IMP) Vienna Univ. Götheburg, Sweden, department retreat Pharmacy, University Hospital Dresden

Meetup series

During the pandemic I founded the DataViz helpdesk to teach visualization to scientists myself, later on I also had guests for tutorials (see DataViz academy on youtube), this kicked off the BioVis meetup series.

Undergraduate teaching

I regularly teach Bachelor and Master students at Berlin Hochschule für Technik (Bioinformatics, Data Visualization) and at the TU Dresden give courses for medical and biology students in data science and visualization.