10 simple rules for Graphical Abstracts

A guide for designing Graphical Abstracts - new Paper alert
Graphical abstracts

Helena Jambor


February 6, 2024

“Thank you for providing me with an exciting and informative read which was truly enjoyable.”

Never have I ever had such great responses from reviewers - it was a joy to attend to the few very good suggestions they had for improving the manuscript! Reviewer 2 and 3 were similarly enthusiastic: “Congratulations for laying out your perspective.” and “Overall, the paper is a beneficial guide for researchers looking to effectively communicate their research through graphical abstracts.” A day to mark in my calendar!

I am happy to finally share with you that the summary of my Graphical Abstract blogs (here, here, and here is now available as paper for you all to read and cite! Out in PLOS Computational Biology.

Figure 1: Stages of a graphical abstract - from inception to implementation.